10 Unknown Facts Of Digital Marketing You Must Know!

For a layman, it is easy to assume they are the same . For many, marketing is nothing more than promotion of products for a business. However, we are interested to share with you about the bit where marketing goes beyond selling the products.

What is Marketing?

According to the American Marketing Association, marketing means, “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that create value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

However, in our opinion, marketing isn’t about hammering the product features on the head of the consumers in order to make them buy it. To us Marketing isn’t a hardcore promotion either. At Decode, we believe Marketing is a process through which a brand communicates with potential and existing customers, educates itself about their needs, and creates solutions that build a long-term relationship between the brand and customers.

To intrigue your curious mind, here’s an excerpt from Michael Brenner’s lengthy essay on marketing –

“Marketing has a marketing problem”, marketing professionals have never been able to market the term marketing well to the businesses. Therefore everything becomes marketing very easily. The confusion around it is paramount even among peers where differentiating among various verticals of marketing is a struggle.

What is Digital Marketing?

For all stakeholders; from startups to proprietary firms to partnership firms to small to mid-cap companies; understanding the various branches of marketing is very important. Especially in the post-Lockdown world, wherein isolation dominates our life almost every hour, the online presence for businesses of all kinds has become indisputably more important. This is why digital marketing now plays a more elevated role.

Fun fact: The first successful experiment of digital marketing was done at the beginning of the 20th century when the first live public broadcast was conducted for an opera performance. Resultantly, listeners were instantly encouraged to buy the tickets of the show right after the broadcast was aired.

Digital marketing uses the same principles of marketing, but has different tools and means to propose a broad and long-lasting relationship with customers. Digital marketing uses emails, search engines, websites, social media, and mobile phones to communicate on behalf of the brand to build relations.

Why Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing allows reaching out to audiences and prospective buyers in a targeted manner. While the traditional methods may fetch you results after a long time, digital marketing provides brands with instant results and helps in building a robust pipeline of customers and clients. Fortunately, investing in digital marketing is way less expensive compared to traditional means of marketing.

Let us enlighten you with some fun facts about digital marketing to keep your curious mind sailing!

10 Unknown Facts About Digital Marketing:

1. 8 seconds to surprise:

The average attention span of the netizen is 8 seconds, that’s it. If your content manages to impress the viewers in those 8 seconds, you have won the battle.

2. Engagement intricately linked to search engine:

Whenever accosted with something unknown, we turn to a search engine to gain more information. In the digital era, this is the most preferred means to learn and verify information about anything.

3. Social Media Sojourn:

Internet users spend 42% of their online total time on social media. Be it regarding friends, fans, celebs, music, shows, or information – social media provides diversified content for users’ needs and therefore takes a central position.

4. Behavioral data absence:

One might think that digital marketing strategies dive deep into the psychological aspects of consumers to sell them products. Most of us do not incorporate behavioral data in our calculations while drawing strategies. Moving forward keeping this aspect in mind is crucial.

5. 1700 banner ads:

Did you know, approximately 1700 banner ads flash on your screen a month? That’s a huge number, isn’t it? However, people generally view only half of them.

6. Weird with videos:

Not surprisingly, most people stop the video within 90 seconds of starting. On the other hand, many make their purchasing decision after watching the brand or product video. This asks the marketers and content creators to maintain a fine balance between information dissemination and the duration of a video.

7. Mobile is magnificent:

A huge percentage of smartphone users explore new products or services on their devices through apps or social media. If you want to know more about how   is the future of marketing, read our blog on the subject.

8. Netizens need content:

The whole digital marketing game revolves around content. Internet users demand content from the brands in order to make an informed decision.

9. Digital India:

Digital marketing was predicted to grow at 27% in the year 2020 despite the pandemic woes. It is believed that post-lockdown, about 57.8% of Indians prefer watching their daily watch list on mobile phones instead of turning on a TV.

You may think these few facts may be enough but trust us, there is more! The statistical data available on digital marketing is an ocean of information, knowledge, strategies, and technologies.