Why Is It Important To Have A Different Approach For Every Social Media Platform

With more than 3.5 billion active social media platform users, it is safe to say that social media is now playing a very prominent role in our communication. Studies have also shown that a person spends about 3 hours per day browsing and messaging through a social media app.

This vast popularity and acceptance of social media have turned it into a virtual platform where people from all across the globe can congregate and share their experiences. However, each platform has its own and unique way of helping people express themselves.

While Twitter has limited people’s expressions to just 280 characters, Instagram has provided a platform where people can communicate primarily through images and videos. A distinct algorithm that governs each social media platform and finds out how to use it is a social media marketer’s job.

To understand how this works, let’s take each social media platform into purview:


Twitter is a fast-paced social media platform where people mainly communicate about daily updates of the world. These are primarily to do with news, current affairs, and opinions. But the noteworthy aspect is that Twitter allows communication in a concise and precise manner, leaving no room for extended elaborations. People thus quickly browse through their feed to gauge an understanding of what is happening all around. With 6000 Tweets being tweeted every second, Twitter has become a hub of conversation where people do not want to be left out!

To keep your posts relevant on this platform, make sure you post more about trending topics and participate in conversations. One of the most vital elements to help you with it is to follow and use trending hashtags.

As Twitter has a low character, you can use visual aids to communicate more information. While posting videos is considered one of the most effective content strategies, studies have shown that high-resolution images perform way better than videos on Twitter, almost 361% more effective. So, make sure that you use the best quality images and post them in the appropriate size.


Instagram is like the haven of exciting and enticing visual treats. The platform has created a niche for itself, as it is majorly driven by visual content. People are driven to this app mainly to see some beautiful photos and to peek into each others’ lifestyles.

Hence, it is paramount that your social media strategy for Instagram consists of an abundant quantity of images and videos that are high on aesthetic value. You should use the highest quality images. Maintaining a similar gradation and filters in all your posts also helps bring about a unique visual quality to your page. The best performing posts on Instagram include pictures of locations, food, animals, and fashion.

As Instagram has proven to be an optimal platform for the leisure, travel, and fashion industries, it can be a profitable platform for all product-based marketing.

Along with that, the platform is heavily controlled by influencers. Make sure that you connect with as many influencers as you can and insist they endorse your product.


Without a doubt, Facebook is the most important and influential social media platform in the virtual world. Its reach and popularity have risen to such a level that about five new profiles are created every second!

While Twitter and Instagram have their niches charted out, Facebook is a holistic platform where all kinds of content are effective. However, statistics show that videos drive the highest amount of engagement and interaction. People use this platform to get daily updates on events worldwide, discuss various topics, and share light-hearted content, like memes.

Along with being a platform for some intensive group discussions, Facebook has also proven to be an excellent source to check product reviews and service feedback. This rising movement has encouraged Facebook to include a special reviews section on their page.

Strategic Approach for Each Platform

When it comes to your social media presence and personality, your posts’ frequency plays a vital role. If your post frequency is too scattered, you might lose your audience’s attention and put yourself under the threat of being forgotten. On the other hand, if you post too often, you might become a nuisance for them, and they might start to dread seeing your overcrowded feed. So, when it comes to posting, how much is too much?

According to some of the most successful digital marketers, there is a sweet spot of how many posts you should do in a day to keep your audience engaged and interested.

For Facebook and Instagram, the limit is about 1 post per day. Maximum 2; whereas even that is risky. Some experts say that posting twice a day will only receive 57% of likes and 78% of comments than one post per day.

For Twitter, the sweet spot is at 15 tweets per day. You should also retweet about 7 tweets per day. Anything higher than that will have a negative impact on your audience.


Each social media platform has its particular niche, and we hope that with these guidelines, you will get the hang of how their algorithm works and use them to your advantage. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will maintain excellent and steady traction on all your social media platforms.

And if you need some expert insight into building a good social media strategy, we are here for you. Decode houses an experienced and competent team of social media experts who are well acquainted with these platforms and understand their nuances.

Until next time, when we DECODE yet another aspect of digital marketing.